
Anaheim Short Term Rental Regulation: A Guide For Airbnb Hosts

Anaheim, California

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Starting a Short Term Rental Business in Anaheim

Anaheim has a long history of regulating short-term rentals (STRs), with a ban on their operation in 20164. However, in mid-2019, the city council adopted an ordinance allowing the majority of existing STRs to continue operating under strict regulations and good neighbor policies2.

The new policy reverses the 2016 ban and phase-out, which proved challenging as STR owners sought decades of continued operation to recoup investments in their properties. The new policy allows the majority of STRs to continue operating in Anaheim under strict regulations and good neighbor policies, while the opening of entirely new STRs remains prohibited2.

Short Term Rental Licensing Requirement in Anaheim

Owners or agents operating a short-term rental must rent their properties for a minimum of 3 nights, which is in place to avoid frequent disturbances in residential neighborhoods caused by the repeated arrival and departure of guests3.

To obtain a short-term rental permit, you must apply to the City of Anaheim using the short-term rental permit application3. The application must be filled out and returned in-person between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or mailed to the address listed on the application3.

Each short-term rental permit is valid for 1 year from the date of issue, and any change of ownership or address will require the submittal of a new application within 14 days3.

Required Documents for Anaheim Short Term Rentals

To obtain a short-term rental permit, you must provide the following documents:

  • Proof of ownership or authorization to rent the property
  • A valid business license
  • Proof of liability insurance
  • A site plan of the property
  • A signed affidavit of compliance with the city's regulations

Anaheim Short Term Rental Taxes

Each stay requires payment of the City's 10% Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)5.

Anaheim Wide Short Term Rental Rules

The city of Anaheim has implemented the following rules for short-term rentals:

  • STRs must follow good neighbor rules or risk losing their permits
  • STRs must close by December 2022 in communities where homeowner associations have banned them
  • Homeowner associations may restrict STRs from operating in the city if they are shut down
  • Prevents new STRs from opening (other than relocations as noted above)
  • Permitted STRs that continue to operate will pay the city’s transient occupancy tax

Does Anaheim Strictly Enforce STR Rules?

Anaheim has a history of enforcing its short-term rental regulations, with a ban on their operation in 2016 and the adoption of an ordinance in mid-2019 allowing the majority of existing STRs to continue operating under strict regulations and good neighbor policies24.

However, the city has faced pressure from short-term rental opponents and has had to navigate a complex landscape of property rights and resident concerns4. Despite these challenges, the city has demonstrated a commitment to enforcing its regulations and ensuring that short-term rentals operate in a responsible and sustainable manner.

How to Start a Short Term Rental Business in Anaheim

  • To start a short-term rental business in Anaheim, follow these steps:
  • Research the city's regulations and requirements for short-term rentals
  • Obtain the necessary permits and licenses
  • Meet the city's requirements for safety and accessibility
  • Establish a local contact who can respond to reported concerns and complaints within 45 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, if necessary
  • Rent your units for a minimum of 3 nights
  • Provide neighbors with contact information
  • Ensure that renters are at least 21 years old
  • Collect and remit the city's transient occupancy tax

Who to Contact in Anaheim About Short Term Rental Regulations and Zoning?

To learn more about the short-term rental program, please call the City of Anaheim Business License staff at 714-765-5194, or stop by City Hall to discuss the program with the city's knowledgeable and friendly staff3.

What do Airbnb Hosts in Anaheim on Reddit and Bigger Pockets Think about Local Regulations?

According to a post on Bigger Pockets, some Airbnb hosts in Anaheim have expressed frustration with the city's regulations and the difficulty of obtaining a short-term rental permit1.

However, other hosts have noted that the regulations are necessary to ensure that short-term rentals operate in a responsible and sustainable manner1. On Reddit, some hosts have expressed concerns about the city's enforcement of its regulations, while others have noted that the regulations provide clarity and predictability for hosts and guests alike1.

Overall, the consensus on both platforms is that the city's regulations are complex but necessary to ensure the long-term viability of short-term rentals in Anaheim.ShareRewrite

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